巴基斯坦总理谢里夫推动伊斯兰堡医疗现代化, 重点是Jinnah医疗中心。 Pakistan's PM Sharif pushes for modernizing Islamabad's healthcare, focusing on Jinnah Medical Complex.
巴基斯坦总理谢巴兹·谢里夫(Shehbaz Sharif)的目标是使伊斯兰堡的保健系统现代化,使它成为该国的典范。 Pakistan's Prime Minister, Shehbaz Sharif, aims to modernize Islamabad's healthcare system, setting it as a model for the country. 在一次审查会议期间,谢里夫推动Jinnah医疗综合和研究中心取得更快的进展,包括设备采购进程。 During a review meeting, Sharif pushed for faster progress on the Jinnah Medical Complex and Research Centre, including the procurement process for equipment. 他还启动了该综合体附属大学章程的批准程序。 He also initiated the approval process for the complex's affiliated university charter.