前苏格兰橄榄球队长Stuart Hogg在跟踪和家庭暴力指控中保释出狱。 Former Scottish rugby captain Stuart Hogg released on bail amid stalking and domestic abuse allegations.
Stuart Hogg, 前苏格兰橄榄球船长, 在今年第三次因涉及其前妻Gillian的跟踪和家庭虐待指控被捕后, 获得保释。 Stuart Hogg, former Scottish rugby captain, has been released on bail after his third arrest this year related to stalking and domestic abuse allegations involving his ex-wife, Gillian. 他的审判最初定于11月进行,随后他被指控违反保释条件,并有多年来控制行为的历史。 His trial, initially set for November, follows charges of breaching bail conditions and a history of controlling behavior over several years. Hogg目前为蒙彼利埃效力,否认所有指控,等待开庭日期。 Hogg, who currently plays for Montpellier, denies all allegations and awaits his court date.