前苏格兰橄榄球队队长斯图尔特·霍格 (Stuart Hogg) 承认对他分居的妻子进行家庭虐待。 Former Scottish rugby captain Stuart Hogg pleaded guilty to domestic abuse against his estranged wife.
苏格兰前橄榄球船长Stuart Hogg认罪,指控其离散的妻子Gillian在2019年至2024年期间受到家庭虐待。 Stuart Hogg, former Scottish rugby captain, pleaded guilty to a charge of domestic abuse against his estranged wife, Gillian, occurring between 2019 and 2024. 他的前女友Jilly O'Donnell, 与他有着三年秘密关系, 声称他误导她的婚姻状况, 并警告他的现任伴侣Leonna Mayor, 他有虐待他的行为。 His ex-girlfriend, Jilly O'Donnell, who had a secret three-year relationship with him, claims he misled her about his marital status and warned his current partner, Leonna Mayor, about his abusive behavior. Hogg的刑期定在12月5日,要求撤销他的MBE。 Hogg's sentencing is set for December 5, with calls for his MBE to be revoked.