联合王国专家报告说,大鼠的生长规模越来越大,建议将无毒薄荷油作为一种驱除剂,但警告宠物有毒。 UK experts report rats growing larger, suggesting non-toxic peppermint oil as a repellent but warning of toxicity to pets.
联合王国报告中的专家指出,大鼠正在成长,与小狗相当。 Experts in the UK report that rats are growing larger, comparable to small dogs. 香油公司 Nikura 推荐薄荷油作为无毒驱虫剂,由于大鼠对强烈的气味敏感,因此效果很好。 Nikura, a fragrance oil company, recommends peppermint oil as a non-toxic repellent, effective due to rats' sensitivity to strong scents. 然而,它对宠物有毒。 However, it is toxic to pets. 其他预防战略包括改善食品储存、适当处置废物、在墙壁封存裂缝以遏制侵扰。 Additional prevention strategies include improving food storage, properly disposing of waste, and sealing cracks in walls to deter infestations.