9月8日下午3点45分,曼彻斯特萨尔福德码头的披萨快递店的天花板塌;没有人员受伤. Ceiling collapse at Pizza Express in Salford Quays, Manchester, on September 8 at 3:45 PM; no injuries reported.
曼彻斯特萨尔福德码头一家披萨快递店的天花板在9月8日下午3点45分左右倒塌, 引发了大规模的紧急反应. A ceiling collapse at a Pizza Express in Salford Quays, Manchester, occurred on September 8 around 3:45 PM, prompting a large emergency response. Diners报告说,地板震动,噪音响起,但幸运的是,没有关于受伤的报告。 Diners reported shaking floors and a loud noise, but fortunately, no injuries were reported. 坍塌涉及 Virgin Active 健身房下方的一个部分,导致该设施的部分设施暂时关闭。 The collapse involved a section below a Virgin Active gym, leading to the temporary closure of parts of the facility. 当局正在调查此事 该地区仍被封锁 安全无虞 Authorities are investigating the cause, and the area remains cordoned off for safety.