13岁的Teen Jude Khammoune在卡利夫的Bodega湾附近翻船后,是唯一幸存下来的人。 Teen Jude Khammoune, 13, is the sole survivor after his boat capsized near Bodega Bay, Calif.
在加利福尼亚州Bodega Bay的一次悲惨的划船事故中,13岁的Juladi "Jude" Khammoune是七人中唯一在一次螃蟹旅行中幸存下来的人。 In a tragic boating accident in Bodega Bay, California, 13-year-old Juladi "Jude" Khammoune is the sole survivor among seven people on a crabbing trip. 他父亲、叔叔和另外三人在船翻船时死亡。 His father, uncle, and three others died when their boat capsized. Jude 躲在冷却器里,几个小时后到达岸边,幸存下来。 Jude survived by hiding in a cooler and reaching the shore after hours. 该家庭启动了一个GoFundMe,以支持Jude和他的其余家庭成员。 The family has started a GoFundMe to support Jude and his remaining family members.