7 月 4 日,霍顿湖发生一起涉及 16 人的船只事故,68 岁的大卫·达克 (David Dark) 身亡,另有两人受伤;当局怀疑是第三艘船阻碍了视线,酒精不是原因。 68-year-old David Dark died, two injured in Houghton Lake boating crash involving 16 people on July 4th; authorities suspect a third boat obstructed view, alcohol not a factor.
7 月 4 日,68 岁的弗里兰男子大卫·达克 (David Dark) 在密歇根州霍顿湖的一次划船事故中丧生。 68-year-old Freeland man, David Dark, died in a boating crash on Michigan's Houghton Lake on July 4th. 两艘共载有 16 人的浮桥相撞,造成另外两人受伤。 Two other people were injured when two pontoon boats carrying 16 people in total collided. 当局认为,第三艘船可能遮挡了撞船船只的视线,而酒精似乎不是造成事故的原因。 Authorities believe that a third boat may have obstructed the view of the boats involved in the crash, and alcohol does not appear to be a factor.