威斯康星州核电局为恩布里奇第五线段搬迁项目发布最终环境影响说明,将一条输油管从巴德河保留区改道。 Wisconsin DNR publishes final environmental impact statement for Enbridge's Line 5 Segment Relocation Project, rerouting a pipeline away from the Bad River Reservation.
威斯康星州自然资源局公布了Enbridge公司拟议的第5线段搬迁项目的最后环境影响说明,目的是将输油管的一段线从Bad River保留区改道。 The Wisconsin DNR has published its final environmental impact statement for Enbridge, Inc.'s proposed Line 5 Segment Relocation Project, aimed at rerouting a section of the pipeline away from the Bad River Reservation. 该项目可创造700多个就业机会,并得到许多居民的支持,但面临环境团体和部落的反对,他们声称大湖区和气候面临风险。 The project could create over 700 jobs and is supported by many residents, but faces opposition from environmental groups and tribes citing risks to the Great Lakes and climate. 项目向前推进需要许可证。 Permits are required for the project to move forward.