9月5日, 一只鸟在温哥华大都会造成停电, 影响17 363名顾客, On September 5, a bird caused a power outage in Metro Vancouver affecting 17,363 customers.
9月5日,一只鸟在温哥华大区造成停电,影响了17363名BC Hydro客户,时间为下午5:30至晚上8点. On September 5, a bird caused a power outage in Metro Vancouver affecting 17,363 BC Hydro customers from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. 事件发生在主要电站,影响温哥华和伯纳比地区。 The incident occurred at the Mainwaring substation, impacting areas of Vancouver and Burnaby. BC Hydro 指出,与动物相关的停电约占所有停电的 10%,过去记录的涉及鸟类、松鼠、海狸和熊的事件。 BC Hydro noted that animal-related outages account for about 10% of all outages, with incidents involving birds, squirrels, beavers, and bears recorded in the past.