9月3日,Kern县治安官办公室逮捕了Felix Lopez Martinez, 罪名是签发州外逮捕证和伪造证件。 Kern County Sheriff's Office arrested Felix Lopez Martinez for an out-of-state warrant and forgery on September 3.
9月3日,Kern县治安官办公室对车辆盗窃、邮件盗窃和国内骚乱等事件作出反应,导致Felix Lopez Martinez因签发州外逮捕证和伪造证件而被捕。 On September 3, the Kern County Sheriff's Office responded to incidents including vehicle theft, mail theft, and a domestic disturbance, leading to the arrest of Felix Lopez Martinez for an out-of-state warrant and forgery. 9月4日,他们处理铜线盗窃和一辆被烧毁的汽车。 On September 4, they dealt with copper wire theft and a burned vehicle. 8月,发生了各种因毒品犯罪、酒醉和危害儿童而被捕的事件,突显了该地区持续存在的犯罪问题。 In August, various arrests occurred for drug offenses, DUI, and child endangerment, highlighting ongoing crime issues in the area.