被判有罪的重罪犯Natanael Topete-Perez持有过期签证,被移民和海关局拘留,以便驱逐出境。 Convicted felon Natanael Topete-Perez, with an expired visa, was taken into ICE custody for deportation.
一名被判有罪的重罪犯Natanael Topete-Perez持有过期签证,试图从一起盗窃案中取回工具,但被移民及海关署拘留在联邦,以便驱逐出境。 A convicted felon, Natanael Topete-Perez, with an expired visa, attempted to reclaim tools from a theft case but was instead taken into federal custody by ICE for deportation. Topete-Perez因从建筑工地盗窃重罪被判刑并处于缓刑期。 Topete-Perez was sentenced for felony thefts from construction sites and was on probation. 道格拉斯县治安官办公室致力于社区保护,与联邦当局合作将他从社区带走。 The Douglas County Sheriff's Office, committed to community protection, cooperated with federal authorities in removing him from the community.