Francisco J. Medina-Rangel, 35岁,因在假扮警官时盗窃巡逻车辆和火器而被捕。 Francisco J. Medina-Rangel, 35, was arrested for stealing a patrol vehicle and firearm while impersonating an officer.
Francisco J. Medina-Rangel, 35岁,在华盛顿Orondo被捕,据称他在冒充一名警官时偷窃Chelan县警长的巡逻车辆和火器。 Francisco J. Medina-Rangel, 35, was arrested in Orondo, Washington, for allegedly stealing a Chelan County Sheriff's patrol vehicle and a firearm while impersonating an officer. 他被发现穿着警长的服装,非法进入多个车辆和建筑物。 He was found wearing sheriff's apparel and had unlawfully entered multiple vehicles and buildings. 继11月6日车辆行驶报告之后,他被一名下班外的副手拘留。 Following a vehicle prowl report on November 6, he was detained by an off-duty deputy. Medina-Rangel面临多项指控,包括一级入室盗窃和机动车辆盗窃。 Medina-Rangel faces numerous charges, including first-degree burglary and motor vehicle theft.