500人疏散 150名消防员在德国哈兹山 与大森林大火作战 500 evacuated, 150 firefighters battle large forest fire in Harz Mountains, Germany.
德国中部Harz山的大规模森林火灾迫使大约500人从星期五开始撤离。 A large forest fire in the Harz Mountains of central Germany has forced the evacuation of around 500 people since it began on Friday. 火灾与几起较轻的火灾交织在一起,导致部署了约150名消防员、飞机和直升机。 The fire merged from several smaller blazes and has led to the deployment of approximately 150 firefighters, planes, and helicopters. 该地区已被关闭,预计更多的飞机将协助控制火焰。 The area has been closed off, and additional aircraft are expected to assist in controlling the flames. 这一事件是继该区域以前的火灾之后发生的,最近与气候变化有关的热浪加剧了火灾。 This incident follows previous fires in the region, exacerbated by recent heatwaves linked to climate change.