美国和伊拉克商定到2026年联军撤出计划,改变军事战略。 U.S. and Iraq agree on withdrawal plan for coalition forces by 2026, shifting military strategy.
美国和伊拉克已商定美国领导的联军撤离计划,数百名部队定于2025年9月撤离,其余的部队定于2026年底撤离。 The U.S. and Iraq have agreed on a withdrawal plan for U.S.-led coalition forces, with hundreds of troops set to leave by September 2025 and the rest by the end of 2026. 这项协议是在经过六个月多的讨论之后达成的,旨在建立新的咨询关系,有可能使一些美国部队得以留驻。 This agreement, reached after over six months of discussions, aims to establish a new advisory relationship, potentially allowing some U.S. troops to remain. 该计划是继伊朗支持的团体对美国部队不断升级的袭击之后制定的,标志着美国在该地区的军事战略发生了重大转变。 The plan follows escalating attacks by Iran-backed groups on U.S. forces and marks a significant shift in U.S. military strategy in the region.