新南威尔士州考虑允许药剂师在2026年之前因GP短缺而处理轻微健康问题。 NSW considers allowing pharmacists to manage minor health issues due to GP shortage by 2026.
新南威尔士州(新南威尔士州)正在考虑允许药剂师管理轻微健康问题,如耳感染和轻度疼痛,以解决预计到2028年将达到1 900人的全科医生短缺问题。 New South Wales (NSW) is considering allowing pharmacists to manage minor health issues, such as ear infections and mild pain, to address a shortage of general practitioners (GPs) projected to reach 1,900 by 2028. 如果获得批准,可以在评估试验方案后,在2026年之前实施修改。 If approved, changes could be implemented by 2026 after evaluating a trial program. 这一举措旨在减少GP等候时间,改善患者的就诊机会,尽管人们对潜在风险和治疗准确性提出了关切。 This initiative aims to reduce GP wait times and improve patient access, though concerns have been raised about potential risks and treatment accuracy.