25岁的Tyler Hargis殴打三名副手,多次拒捕,并因一名和平军官的指控而面临重罪攻击。 25-year-old Tyler Hargis assaulted three deputies, resisted arrest multiple times, and faces felony assault on a peace officer charges.
来自普韦布洛西部的 25 岁男子泰勒·哈吉斯 (Tyler Hargis) 于 8 月 31 日在科罗拉多州博览会上被捕,此前他在酒后袭击了三名副手。 Tyler Hargis, a 25-year-old from Pueblo West, was arrested at the Colorado State Fair on August 31 after assaulting three deputies while highly intoxicated. 他拳打脚踢警察,试图在打架后约束他。 He punched and kicked officers during their attempt to restrain him following a fight. Hargis因遵守规定而遭到毒打,然后被送往医院,在那里,他再次拒绝逮捕,并向副手吐口水。 Hargis was tased for compliance, then transported to a hospital, where he again resisted arrest and spat at a deputy. 他面临多重指控,包括对一名和平官员的重罪攻击,并被关进监狱。 He faces multiple charges, including felony assault on a peace officer, and was booked into jail.