双胞胎大象 Pearl Sint 和 Kyaw Pearl 出生在缅甸的 Wingabaw 大象营地。 Twin elephants, Pearl Sint and Kyaw Pearl, were born at Myanmar's Wingabaw elephant camp.
双胞胎大象 Pearl Sint 和 Kyaw Pearl 出生在缅甸的 Wingabaw 大象营地,该营地由 Myanmar Timber Enterprise 运营。 Twin elephants, Pearl Sint and Kyaw Pearl, were born at Myanmar's Wingabaw elephant camp, operated by Myanmar Timber Enterprise. 由于体积较小,最初无法进食,他们得到了工作人员的援助,并在第三天开始自食其力。 Initially unable to feed due to their smaller size, they received assistance from staff and began self-feeding by the third day. 他们的出生使难民营的人口达到九头大象。 Their birth brings the camp's population to nine elephants. 难民营已从木材运输转向旅游业,突出显示了亚洲大象的濒危地位,缅甸只剩下不到2 000头大象。 The camp has shifted from timber transport to tourism, highlighting the endangered status of Asian elephants, with fewer than 2,000 remaining in Myanmar.