财政部长耶伦警告称,削弱北卡罗来纳州的IRA激励措施可能导致失业. Treasury Secretary Yellen warns that weakening IRA incentives in North Carolina could lead to job losses.
财政部长珍妮特·耶伦警告说,削弱2022年《降低通货膨胀法》(IRA)的税收奖励措施可能导致北卡罗来纳州失业,而北卡罗来纳州是一个关键的战场州。 Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that weakening tax incentives from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) could lead to job losses in North Carolina, a crucial battleground state. 她强调,这些激励措施支持制造业和清洁能源,使许多家庭受益。 She emphasized that these incentives support manufacturing and clean energy, benefiting many households. Yellen将废除的可能性描述为“史无前例的错误”, 提醒人们这可能会增加家庭成本, 阻碍投资, 而一些共和党人则认为它会助长浪费开支。 Yellen described potential repeal as a "historic mistake," cautioning that it could raise costs for families and hinder investments, while some Republicans argue it promotes wasteful spending.