美国财政部长耶伦和伯南克预计经济将"软着陆", 通货膨胀率将降低, 劳动力市场将强. U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen and Bernanke project a "soft landing" for the economy, with lower inflation and a strong labor market.
美国财政部长雅内特·耶伦(Janet Yellen)和前美联储主席本·伯南克(Ben Bernanke)认为经济有可能避免衰退, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke believe the economy is likely to avoid a recession, citing a "soft landing" where inflation is reduced while maintaining a strong labor market. 最近的数据显示,第二季度的年化增长率为 3%,申请失业救济人数下降。 Recent data shows a 3% annualized growth in Q2 and declining unemployment claims. Yellen强调减少联邦赤字的重要性,并指出住房费用预计会下降,从而有助于控制通货膨胀。 Yellen emphasized the importance of reducing the federal deficit and noted that housing costs are expected to decrease, aiding inflation control.