新西兰心理学家奈杰尔·拉塔诊断患有绝症胃癌,正在接受化疗。 New Zealand psychologist Nigel Latta diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer, undergoing chemotherapy.
新西兰心理学家和电视明星奈杰尔·拉塔被诊断患有绝症癌症,医生估计他活不到一年。 New Zealand psychologist and TV star Nigel Latta has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, with doctors estimating he has less than a year to live. 在化疗后,胃部的无法手术的肿瘤减少了60%。 The inoperable tumor in his stomach has shrunk by 60% following chemotherapy. 拉塔计划继续治疗,并分享他的最新健康状况。 Latta plans to continue treatment and share updates on his health. 他强调重点注意什么是可以控制的,并建议在www.gutcancer.org.nz网站上为处于类似情况的其他人提供资源。 He emphasizes focusing on what can be controlled and recommends resources at www.gutcancer.org.nz for others in similar situations.