26 岁的丹·杜兰特 (Dan Durant) 在误以为舌溃疡是小问题后,接受了 11 小时的鳞状细胞癌手术。 26-year-old Dan Durant underwent 11-hour surgery for squamous cell carcinoma after mistaking a tongue ulcer for a minor issue.
26 岁的丹·杜兰特 (Dan Durant) 在将舌溃疡误认为是小问题后被诊断出患有鳞状细胞癌。 Dan Durant, 26, was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma after mistaking a tongue ulcer for a minor issue. 在咬了溃疡之后,他寻求医疗帮助并接受了癌症诊断。 After biting the ulcer, he sought medical help and received a cancer diagnosis. 他于2024年9月12日接受了11小时的外科手术,当时他一半的舌头被拔掉,用他的手臂上的皮肤和癌症淋巴结进行再造。 He underwent an 11-hour surgery on September 12, 2024, where half of his tongue was removed and reconstructed with skin from his arm, along with cancerous lymph nodes. Dan正在等待生物检查结果,并发起了一个筹款活动,以支付生活开支,打算向癌症研究捐助剩余资金。 Dan is awaiting biopsy results and has launched a fundraiser to cover living expenses, intending to donate surplus funds to cancer research.