根据DS Smith的一项研究,50%的英国超市食品和饮料包装是不必要的塑料。 50% of UK supermarket food and drink packaging is unnecessary plastic, according to a DS Smith study.
由DS Smith进行的一项研究表明,英国超市50%以上的食品和饮料被不必要地包装成塑料包装,每年可避免的碎片达298亿件。 A study by DS Smith reveals that over 50% of food and drink in UK supermarkets is unnecessarily packaged in plastic, resulting in 29.8 billion avoidable pieces annually. 加工食品,如即食和奶制品是主要贡献者。 Processed foods like ready meals and dairy are the main contributors. 尽管欧洲制造商承诺减少塑料塑料,但许多厂商仍然做得不够。 Despite commitments from European manufacturers to reduce plastic, many are falling short. 报告主张政府采取行动,逐步淘汰过剩塑料,并建议84%的塑料可代之以可持续的替代品。 The report advocates for government action to phase out excess plastic and suggests that 84% could be replaced with sustainable alternatives.