Zillow在移动应用程序中推出 AI 驱动的自然语言搜索功能, Zillow launches AI-driven natural language search feature in mobile app for tailored home searches.
Zillow在其移动应用程序中推出了由AI驱动的自然语言搜索功能,使用户能够根据通勤时间、可负担性以及附近设施等因素寻找住房。 Zillow has launched an AI-driven natural language search feature in its mobile app, enabling users to find homes based on factors like commute time, affordability, and nearby amenities. 用户可以输入“距离千禧公园 30 分钟路程的房屋”等短语,以获得定制的搜索结果。 Users can enter phrases like "Homes 30 min from Millennium Park" for tailored search results. 这一更新将增加用户经验,并将很快扩大到Zillow网站。 This update enhances the user experience and is set to expand to the Zillow website soon. Zillow旨在以这种创新的搜索能力领导住宅市场。 Zillow aims to lead the residential marketplace with this innovative search capability.