Yelp为 iOS 推出 AI “审查洞察” , 提供食物、服务及娱乐方面的情绪评分。 Yelp launches AI "Review Insights" for iOS, offering sentiment scores on food, service, and ambiance.
雅虎正在推出人工智能支持的"评论洞察",在其iOS应用程序中为餐厅和夜生活提供食品质量,服务和氛围等类别的情感评分. Yelp is introducing AI-powered "Review Insights" that provide sentiment scores for categories like food quality, service, and ambiance on its iOS app for restaurants and nightlife. 用户可以查看摘要意见,利用具体专题阅读详细审查。 Users can view summarized opinions and tap on specific topics to read detailed reviews. Yelp还更新了家庭资料,提供个性化内容和趋势搜索。 Yelp also updated its home feed with personalized content and trending searches. 企业所有者获得工具来管理收件箱和利用AI优化广告。 Business owners gain tools to manage inboxes and optimize ads using AI.