AI工具促进了短期租房预订,突出显示了接待技术市场的成长。 AI tools boost short-term rental bookings, highlighting growth in hospitality tech market.
大赦国际正在改变短期租赁市场,Tucson房产使用虚拟助理和动态定价等AI工具实现了90%的预订率。 AI is transforming the short-term rental market, with a Tucson property achieving a 90% booking rate using AI tools like virtual assistants and dynamic pricing. 尽管人工智能使用量很大,但该财产仍然侧重于清洁和个人化服务等招待基本设施。 Despite heavy AI use, the property maintains a focus on hospitality basics such as cleanliness and personalized service. 预计到2031年,酒店市场的人工智能将增长到1670亿美元,主要是通过聊天机器人,推系统和预测分析等技术推动的. The AI in hospitality market is projected to grow to $167 billion by 2031, driven by technologies like chatbots, recommendation systems, and predictive analytics. 独立酒店可以通过个性化、利用数据和大赦国际来调整互动和改进直接预订,提高客人的经验。 Independent hotels can enhance guest experiences through personalization, using data and AI to tailor interactions and improve direct bookings.