田纳西州通过新的致命注射协议 使用pentobbarbital, 面对法律挑战和联邦审查。 Tennessee adopts new lethal injection protocol using pentobarbital, faces legal challenges and federal review.
田纳西州在停止因违反协议而执行死刑两年多后,制定了使用单一种药物(苯巴比妥)的新型致命注射议定书。 Tennessee has developed a new lethal injection protocol using a single drug, pentobarbital, over two years after halting an execution due to protocol violations. 国家惩教署对协议进行了修订,但未向公众公布。 The state's Department of Correction revised the protocol but has not released it to the public. 死刑犯在联邦法院对前三项毒品议定书提出挑战, 美国司法部正在审查使用pentobarbital的情况。 Death row inmates are challenging the previous three-drug protocol in federal court, and the U.S. Department of Justice is reviewing the use of pentobarbital. 没有确定任何新的执行日期。 No new execution dates have been set.