19岁的Noah Amato因在佛罗里达Sukkot节日期间持枪攻击犹太青少年被判处10年监禁。 19-year-old Noah Amato receives 10-year prison sentence for attacking Jewish teens with gun during Sukkot holiday in Florida.
来自佛罗里达州Ponte Vedra的19岁的Noah Amato因在2022年Sukkot节日期间袭击四名犹太青少年被判处10年徒刑。 Noah Amato, a 19-year-old from Ponte Vedra, Florida, has received a 10-year prison sentence for attacking four Jewish teenagers during the 2022 Sukkot holiday. 由于吸毒和酒精的影响, 他喊出了谤, 用手枪击中了一名青少年, 并在受害者的头部附近开枪, 造成脸部烧伤. Under the influence of drugs and alcohol, he shouted a slur, struck one teen with a handgun, and fired it near the victim's head, causing facial burns. 阿马托没有就若干指控,包括严重殴打提出抗辩,但没有提出仇恨罪指控。 Amato pleaded no contest to several charges, including aggravated battery, but no hate crime charges were filed. 他对他的行动表示悔恨。 He expressed remorse for his actions.