最高法院命令印度政府就移徙工人遵守COVID-19救济规定的情况提交宣誓证词,包括国家数据库和口粮卡规定。 Supreme Court orders Indian government to submit affidavit on COVID-19 relief compliance for migrant workers, including National Database and ration card provision.
印度最高法院已授权政府提交一份宣誓书,详细说明遵守2021年一项裁决的情况,该项裁决要求向受COVID-19影响的移徙工人提供口粮卡和福利措施。 The Supreme Court of India has mandated the government to submit an affidavit detailing compliance with a 2021 ruling that required the provision of ration cards and welfare measures for migrant workers affected by COVID-19. 法院的命令包括建立一个全国无组织工人数据库和确保粮食粮食分配。 The court's orders included establishing a National Database for Unorganized Workers and ensuring food grain distribution. 政府声称根据《国家粮食安全法》向符合条件的个人提供口粮。 The government claims to be providing rations under the National Food Security Act to eligible individuals.