印度国防部长拉杰纳特·辛格在比哈尔邦的一次竞选集会上对印度中央政府的免费配给计划表示赞扬。 Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh praised the Centre's free ration scheme at an election rally in Bihar.
印度国防部长拉杰纳特·辛格对印度中央政府的免费配给计划表示赞扬,并表示受益者收到的粮食多于他们能够消费的数量,有些人还出售剩余的粮食。 Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh praised the Centre's free ration scheme, stating beneficiaries are receiving more food grains than they can consume and some are selling the surplus. 辛格在比哈尔邦的一次竞选集会上发表讲话,称印度的食品通胀率为 2.91%,是世界上最低的,并与其他国家进行了比较。 Singh spoke at an election rally in Bihar, touting India's food inflation rate of 2.91%, the lowest in the world, while comparing it to other countries.