根据最高法院的命令,查谟和克什米尔邦的 FCS&CA 邀请未加入 PDS 的 e-Shram 注册者联系以获取配给卡或纳入其中。 FCS&CA in J&K invites e-Shram registrants not in PDS to contact for ration cards or inclusion per Supreme Court orders.
查谟和克什米尔食品、民用物资和消费者事务部 (FCS&CA) 邀请未纳入 PDS 的 e-Shram 注册者联系当地办事处,获取配给卡或按照最高法院命令纳入其中。 The Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs (FCS&CA) in Jammu & Kashmir invites e-Shram registrants not included in PDS to contact local offices for ration cards or inclusion following Supreme Court orders. 特别活动报名人数达 67,000 人,其中 114,110 人参与。 Special drives have reached 114,110 out of 67,000 registrants. 要求 PDS 受益人和同样是 PDS 受益人的 e-Shram 注册人完成 eKYC。 PDS beneficiaries and e-Shram registrants who are also PDS beneficiaries are asked to complete eKYC.