474名与在韩国被捕的深层性罪行有关的人,80%是青少年。 474 individuals linked to deepfake sex crimes arrested in South Korea, 80% teenagers.
韩国警方逮捕了474名与深层性犯罪有关的个人,其中80%的嫌疑人是青少年。 South Korean police have arrested 474 individuals linked to deepfake sex crimes, with 80% of the suspects being teenagers. 这一镇压行动突显了对滥用技术进行性剥削的日益关切。 This crackdown highlights growing concerns over the misuse of technology in sexual exploitation. 这些逮捕反映了该国为解决 deepfake 相关犯罪上升趋势所做的努力。 The arrests reflect efforts to address the rising trend of deepfake-related offenses in the country.