塞尔维亚的Telegram团体分享强奸与儿童色情, 但没有具体法律禁止, 导致政府行动微乎其微。 Serbian rights group "Empowered Women" reports Telegram groups in Serbia share rape and child pornography, with no specific laws against, leading to minimal government action.
塞尔维亚人权团体「女性强权」的一份报告指出, 塞尔维亚的Telegram团体参与分享非法内容, 包括强奸与儿童色情。 A report by Serbian rights group "Empowered Women" reveals that Telegram groups in Serbia are involved in sharing illicit content, including rape and child pornography. 创始人Stasa Ivkovic渗透了这些团体,每天发送约10 000条信息。 The founder, Stasa Ivkovic, infiltrated these groups, which send about 10,000 messages daily. 尽管这一问题十分普遍,但塞尔维亚缺乏禁止这类活动的具体法律,导致政府行动极少。 Despite the prevalence of this issue, Serbia lacks specific laws against such activities, leading to minimal government action. 这种情况突出表明了网上骚扰和剥削,特别是针对妇女的骚扰和剥削。 The situation underscores online harassment and exploitation, particularly targeting women.