威灵顿的露台上几家商店的窗户被粉碎,有报道一些枪声;动机不明;警方调查. Several shop windows on Wellington's The Terrace shattered, with some gunshots reported; motive unclear; police investigate.
上周末,惠灵顿 The Terrace 的几家商店,包括 Totally Bagels 和 TJ Superette,窗户被打碎,有报道称里面有蘑菇。 Over the weekend, several shops in Wellington's The Terrace, including Wholly Bagels and TJ Superette, had their windows shattered, with reports of mushrooms thrown inside. 安保录像显示使用了锤子,警方证实没有发生盗窃事件。 Security footage indicates a hammer was used, and police confirmed no theft occurred. 动机仍然不明。 The motive remains unclear. 此外,两家商店报告发生了枪击事件,造成进一步损坏。 Additionally, two shops reported gunshots, resulting in further damage. 在充满挑战的时代,企业业主对破坏行为表示沮丧。 Business owners expressed frustration over the vandalism amid challenging times. 警察正在调查这些事件。 The police are investigating the incidents.