华盛顿吉格港的一家大麻店遭到抢劫抢劫袭击;没有发现任何嫌疑人。 A marijuana store in Gig Harbor, Washington, was hit by a smash-and-grab burglary; no suspects were found.
华盛顿吉格港的一家大麻店 星期五清晨在一次抢劫案中 被损坏 A marijuana store in Gig Harbor, Washington, was damaged in a smash-and-grab burglary early Friday morning. 现代Sonata号用来撞入画廊前门 触发窃贼警报 A Hyundai Sonata was used to crash into the front of The Gallery, triggering a burglar alarm. 警察抵达后,没有发现任何嫌疑人。 Police arrived but found no suspects. 该商店被损坏,自动取款机被迫打开,但没有现金被盗。 The store was damaged, with ATMs forced open, though no cash was stolen. 当局正在寻求公众提供信息和提示,以协助调查。 Authorities are seeking information and tips from the public to aid the investigation.