新西兰 Michael Hill 珠宝店发生多起砸抢抢劫案,安保措施包括防盗玻璃和雾炮。 Multiple smash-and-grab robberies target Michael Hill jewelry stores in NZ, with security measures including anti-bandit glass and fog cannons.
新西兰的 Michael Hill 珠宝店发生多起砸抢抢劫案,其中包括在芒格努伊山的 Silverdale 购物中心和 Bayfair 购物中心发生的事件。 Multiple smash-and-grab robberies have targeted Michael Hill jewelry stores in New Zealand, including incidents at Silverdale Mall and Bayfair Shopping Centre in Mt Maunganui. 安全措施不断得到审查和更新,包括在所有商店安装防盗装甲玻璃。 Security measures have been continually reviewed and updated, including the implementation of anti-bandit armoured glass across all stores. 还部署了雾炮来疏散购物者并在抢劫期间控制局势。 Fog cannons have also been deployed to evacuate shoppers and manage situations during robberies.