Nottinghamshire警察对警官进行痴呆症培训,并采用失踪人员工具。 Nottinghamshire Police introduce dementia training and a missing person tool for officers.
Nottinghamshire警察开设了一个培训课程,旨在加强警官对痴呆症患者的反应。 Nottinghamshire Police have introduced a training course aimed at enhancing officers' responses to individuals with dementia. 该方案与《我们痴呆症合唱团》合作,使人们深入了解痴呆症、其症状和沟通战略。 In collaboration with Our Dementia Choir, the program provides insights into dementia, its symptoms, and communication strategies. 此外,警方还创建了一种工具,协助查找患有痴呆症的失踪人员。 Additionally, the police have created a tool to assist in locating missing individuals with dementia. 检查员Jemma Connor-Iommi强调了这种培训的重要性,因为官员们经常与受这种条件影响的人进行互动。 Inspector Jemma Connor-Iommi emphasized the importance of this training, as officers frequently interact with those affected by the condition.