2024-2025 蒙古学年开始,重点是改善教师支助和教育质量。 2024-2025 Mongolian academic year begins, focusing on improving teacher support and education quality.
蒙古的2024-2025学年从9月2日开始,超过129万学生返回了2 451所教育机构。 Mongolia's 2024-2025 academic year commenced on September 2, with over 1.29 million students returning to 2,451 institutions. 教育部长Purevsuren Naranbayar强调了优先事项,例如通过增加工资改善教师支助,提高教育质量,优化课程,以减轻教师和学生的工作量。 Education Minister Purevsuren Naranbayar highlighted priorities such as improving teacher support through salary increases, enhancing education quality, and optimizing the curriculum to lessen workloads for teachers and students. 这些举措的目的是在该国营造一个更有效的学习环境。 These initiatives aim to foster a more effective learning environment in the country.