科罗拉多州 Keystone 银行员工挫败骗局,停止因虚假陪审团义务索赔而提取 8,000 美元。 Keystone, Colorado bank employees foil scam, halt $8,000 withdrawal for fake jury duty claim.
在科罗拉多州的基斯通,银行雇员成功地防止了一名妇女成为骗局的受害者,欺诈者假扮警长,声称她欠了8000美元,因为她没有履行陪审团职责以避免被捕。 In Keystone, Colorado, bank employees successfully prevented a woman from falling victim to a scam where a fraudster posed as a sheriff's sergeant, claiming she owed $8,000 for missing jury duty to avoid arrest. 工作人员认识到她的处境很痛苦,提醒执法部门,停止撤离。 Recognizing the distress in her situation, the staff alerted law enforcement, halting the withdrawal. 当局警告,合法机构不发出这种电话,建议个人核查任何可疑的通讯。 Authorities warn that legitimate agencies do not make such calls, advising individuals to verify any suspicious communication.