澳大利亚科技首席执行官反对政府对国际学生的上限, Australian tech CEOs oppose government's cap on international students due to concerns over industry growth and talent attraction.
澳大利亚科技CEO, 包括WiseTech的Richard White和Airwalex的Jack Zhang, 都担心政府提议限制国际学生。 Australian tech CEOs, including WiseTech's Richard White and Airwallex's Jack Zhang, are worried about the government's proposed cap on international students. 他们认为,这可能造成不确定性,阻碍该行业的增长和吸引全球人才的能力。 They believe it may create uncertainty and hinder the industry's growth and ability to attract global talent. 该上限旨在将因住房短缺而净移民人数减少到235 000人,但人们对于其对技术部门的潜在负面影响表示关切,这一影响价值为1 670亿美元,在五年内增长了80%。 The cap aims to reduce net migration to 235,000 due to a housing shortage, but concerns have emerged about its potential negative impact on the tech sector, valued at $167 billion, which has grown 80% in five years.