萨斯喀彻温省随着甲虫活动减少而解除季节性禁止砍伐树的禁令。 Saskatchewan lifts seasonal ban on pruning elm trees as beetle activity decreases in fall.
萨斯喀彻温省取消了季节性禁令,禁止砍伐树,这实际上是为了防止4月至8月最活跃的埃尔姆树皮甲虫传播荷兰埃尔姆病(DED)。 Saskatchewan has lifted its seasonal ban on pruning elm trees, which was in effect to prevent the spread of Dutch Elm Disease (DED) by elm bark beetles, most active from April to August. 居民现在可以在秋季临近时进行修剪,此时甲虫活动会减少。 Residents can now prune as fall approaches, a time when beetle activity decreases. 修剪过的树枝必须得到妥善处理,尤其是在 Swift Current,它们必须被带到东部垃圾填埋场。 Proper disposal of pruned branches is mandated, especially in Swift Current, where they must be taken to the East Landfill. 仍然禁止使用和运输榆树柴,以减少疾病传播。 The use and transport of elm firewood remain prohibited to mitigate disease spread.