里贾纳 (Regina) 瓦斯卡纳中心的一棵树经检测呈荷兰榆树病阳性,并被移除。 A tree in Regina's Wascana Centre tested positive for Dutch Elm Disease and was removed.
Regina的Wascana中心有一棵树检测出荷兰埃尔姆病呈阳性,被移走以防止进一步蔓延和保护附近的树木。 A tree in Regina's Wascana Centre tested positive for Dutch Elm Disease and was removed to prevent further spread and protect nearby trees. 今年,据报该地区有36棵树被感染。 This year, 36 trees have been reported to be infected in the area. 萨斯喀彻温省政府正在进行额外的测试,管理 Wascana 中心的省会委员会运行一项 DED 控制计划,包括定期监测、检查和注射杀菌剂,以减轻疾病的影响。 The Saskatchewan government is conducting additional testing and the Provincial Capital Commission, which manages Wascana Centre, runs a DED Control Program with regular monitoring, inspections, and fungicide injections to mitigate the disease's impact.