新加坡计划颁布一项法律,授予警方对不合作诈骗受害人的临时银行限制权力。 Singapore plans to introduce a law granting police temporary banking restriction power for non-cooperative scam victims.
新加坡计划在几个月内颁布一部新法律,授权警方暂时限制拒绝与当局合作的诈骗受害人的银行交易。 Singapore plans to introduce a new law within months, granting police the power to temporarily restrict banking transactions of scam victims who refuse to cooperate with authorities. 拟议的《防止诈骗法案》旨在防止诈骗造成的经济损失,尤其是在受害者不顾警告自愿向诈骗者转账的情况下。 The proposed Protection from Scams Bill aims to prevent financial losses resulting from scams, particularly in cases where victims willingly transfer money to scammers despite warnings. 作为最后手段,警方将向银行发布限制令。 The police would issue a Restriction Order to banks as a last resort. 该法案仅涉及数字和电信骗局,最初下达的订单为期28天,可通过向内政部长上诉提出质疑。 The bill covers digital and telecommunication scams only, with orders initially issued for a 28-day period and can be challenged through an appeal to the Home Affairs Minister.