2024年8月4日死亡事故后, 被控驾驶有缺陷导致死亡的女性。 Woman charged with impaired driving causing death after fatal accident on August 4, 2024.
2024年8月4日在Whitfield路发生致命的轮渡事故后, 一名来自阿尔伯特亲王的33岁女性被控驾驶有缺陷, A 33-year-old woman from Prince Albert is charged with impaired driving causing death and other offenses following a fatal rollover accident on August 4, 2024, on Whitfield Road. 坠机导致一名32岁的女乘客死亡,司机和另一名乘客受伤。 The crash resulted in the death of a 32-year-old female passenger, with the driver and another passenger injured. 该司机在调查后被捕,定于2月13日出庭。 The driver was arrested after an investigation and is set to appear in court on February 13.