30 岁的约书亚·利特菲尔德 (Joshua Littlefield) 被捕,被指控在 Unity Raceway 持枪威胁。 30-year-old Joshua Littlefield arrested, charged with criminal threatening with a gun at Unity Raceway.
缅因州 Unity 的 30 岁 Joshua Littlefield 因涉嫌在 Unity Raceway 用枪威胁另一名男子而被捕并被指控犯有使用危险武器进行刑事威胁。 30-year-old Joshua Littlefield of Unity, Maine, has been arrested and charged with criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon after allegedly threatening another man with a gun at Unity Raceway. 受害人熟悉Littlefield,向警方提供了嫌疑人和火器的描述。 The victim, who was familiar with Littlefield, provided police with a description of the suspect and the firearm. 被捕后,Littlefield被送往当地一家医院进行评估,一旦获释,他将被转到Waldo县监狱。 Following his arrest, Littlefield was taken to a local hospital for evaluation, and upon release, he will be transferred to the Waldo County Jail.