16岁,因在太阳谷摩尔帕克法院公寓楼内用致命武器袭击、破坏、绑架和入室盗窃而被捕。 16-year-old arrested for assault, destruction, kidnapping, and burglary with deadly weapon at Sun Valley's Moorpark Court apartment complex.
16 岁的嫌疑人因多项指控被捕,包括使用致命武器袭击、破坏财产、使用致命武器绑架和持有致命武器入室盗窃,此前他在威胁居民、企图绑架儿童和破坏财产后在太阳谷的 Moorpark Court 公寓大楼损坏财产。 16-year-old suspect arrested on multiple charges, including assault with a deadly weapon, destruction of property, kidnapping with a deadly weapon, and burglary while possessing a deadly weapon, after threatening residents, attempting to kidnap a child, and damaging property at Sun Valley's Moorpark Court apartment complex. 8月6日被捕,此案仍在审理中,警察鼓励任何知情者与他们联系。 Arrested on August 6, the case is ongoing and police encourage anyone with information to contact them.