33岁的Matthew Bielefield因Thomaston8号公路道路狂怒事件被捕,被控鲁莽驾驶和威胁;缴获了胡椒球枪,以50 000美元的保证金获释。 33-year-old Matthew Bielefield arrested for road rage incident on Route 8 in Thomaston, charged with reckless driving and threatening; seized pepperball gun and released on $50,000 bond.
Matthew D. Bielefield,33岁,康涅狄格州温切斯特人,因托马斯顿8号公路上发生公路狂暴事件被捕。 Matthew D. Bielefield, a 33-year-old from Winchester, Connecticut, was arrested for a road rage incident on Route 8 in Thomaston. 据称,他刹车检查了另一名司机,并用胡椒球枪指着他们。 He allegedly brake-checked another driver and pointed a pepperball gun at them. Bielefield面临各种指控,包括鲁莽驾驶和威胁。 Bielefield faces charges including reckless driving and threatening. 他在家中被捕,警察在家中缴获了武器,以5万美元的保证金将其释放。 He was arrested at home, where police seized the weapon, and was released on a $50,000 bond. 他定于10月28日在托林顿高等法院出庭。 He is scheduled to appear in Torrington Superior Court on October 28.