完全接种疫苗的中学生水痘检测呈阳性,标志着突破性病例。 Fully vaccinated middle school student tests positive for chickenpox, marking a breakthrough case.
Canutillo 独立学区 Alderete 中学的一名完全接种疫苗的学生水痘(水痘)检测呈阳性,这标志着一个突破性病例。 A fully vaccinated student at Alderete Middle School, Canutillo Independent School District, has tested positive for chickenpox (varicella), marking a breakthrough case. 据报告,该学生健康状况良好,并接受医疗护理。 The student is reportedly in good health and receiving medical care. 学校区正在与卫生官员合作,监测与学生有接触的学生和工作人员可能遇到的病例。 The school district is working with health officials to monitor potential cases among students and staff who had contact with the student. 该案突出表明,疫苗接种方案需要继续保持警惕和监测。 This case highlights the need for continued vigilance and monitoring in vaccination programs.