根据儿童协会的一份报告,25%的联合王国15岁女孩报告生活不满意,30%的英国女孩生活不满意。 25% of UK 15-year-olds report poor life satisfaction, with 30% of British girls experiencing low life satisfaction, according to a Children's Society report.
与欧洲同行相比, 英国儿童面临「幸福衰退」, UK children face a "happiness recession" with lower life satisfaction compared to European peers, according to a report by the Children's Society. 受影响最大的是女孩,特别是社会经济背景较低的女孩。 Girls, particularly from lower socio-economic backgrounds, are most affected. 这项研究强调政府需要重视儿童的心理健康和福祉,并显示,25%的15岁儿童报告生活不满意,30%的英国女孩生活不满意,这一比率高于任何其他欧洲国家。 The study highlights the need for government focus on children's mental health and well-being, and reveals that 25% of 15-year-olds report poor life satisfaction, with 30% of British girls experiencing low life satisfaction, a rate higher than any other European country.