北得克萨斯州的龙卷风在Valley View附近造成7人死亡,包括2名儿童,并造成严重损坏。 A tornado in north Texas near Valley View killed seven, including two children, and left severe damage.
北得克萨斯州的龙卷风在Valley View社区附近造成7人死亡,包括2名儿童,留下残骸和房屋受损。 A tornado in north Texas killed seven people, including two children, near the community of Valley View, leaving a trail of debris and damaged homes. 库克郡警长报告说,与俄克拉荷马州接壤的这一地区受到严重破坏。 The Cooke County Sheriff reported that the area, which borders Oklahoma, has been severely damaged. 地方当局正集中精力进行救援和复原工作,流离失所居民已在教堂寻求住所。 The local authorities are focusing on rescue and recovery efforts, and displaced residents have sought shelter in churches. 这一事件突出了恶劣天气事件对农村社区的影响,造成重大的生命和财产损失。 This incident emphasizes the impact of severe weather events on rural communities, causing significant loss of life and property damage.