底特律郊区的龙卷风导致一名幼儿死亡,一名母亲和一名婴儿受伤,造成重大损失。 Tornado in Detroit suburb kills toddler, injures mother and infant sibling, causes significant damage.
底特律郊区的一场龙卷风导致一名幼儿死亡,孩子的母亲和婴儿兄弟姐妹也受伤。 A tornado in a Detroit suburb resulted in the death of a toddler, with the child's mother and infant sibling also injured. 龙卷风给该地区造成了严重破坏,倒塌的树木和碎片影响了多座建筑物。 The tornado caused significant damage to the area, with fallen trees and debris affecting several structures. 紧急服务部门向受灾家庭和社区提供了援助。 Emergency services provided assistance to the affected family and community.